Refund Policy

We stand behind the quality of our service and offer a comprehensive refund policy to ensure your satisfaction. If you're not completely satisfied with your purchase from our website, we'll gladly refund your money, no questions asked. Please note that purchases made through the Apple App Store are not governed by this Refund Policy.

Pro Subscription Refund Policy

You are eligible for a full reimbursement of your Pro subscription within 14 calendar days of your purchase. Please note that refunds are not available after the 14-day period.

Ultimate Subscription Refund Policy

If you opt for the Ultimate subscription, you'll enjoy a 3-day trial period to explore DivTracker. During this trial, you can cancel your subscription at any time without being charged. After the trial ends, we offer a full refund for Ultimate subscriptions purchased within 30 calendar days, provided that your brokerage connections encounter issues that our data providers cannot resolve. Please note that brokerage account connections incur costs for us, so refunds are only applicable if the issue is unresolvable or if no brokerage accounts have been connected. It's important to us that our service meets your needs, so we encourage you to take advantage of the trial period to ensure DivTracker aligns with your expectations.

Contacting Us

If you have questions regarding this refund policy, you can email us

Changes to this policy

We reserve the right to change this refund policy as our app or website is updated. Please visit this website regularly to review the most current Refund Policy.

25nd March, 2024

2025 DivTracker App

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Please note that the content on our site does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any security. It is advisable for all investors to seek guidance from a qualified professional before engaging in any securities trading.