
Try DivTracker for free. No payment required.
Manage 1 portfolio
Track 5 holdings
Access the Dividend Calendar
Sync data across devices
Export data to CSV
Access to iPad and iOS apps
Save 58%
$3.99 $1.67 / month
$19.99 billed annually
Track all your portfolios and holdings manually. Access all views.
Track unlimited portfolios
Track unlimited holdings
Access the Dividend Calendar
Receive notifications for key events (iOS)
Sync data across devices
Ex-Dividend Calendar access
Export data to CSV
Access to iPad and iOS apps
Save 40%
$6.99 $4.17 / month
$49.99 billed annually
Link your US brokerage accounts. Access all views. No restrictions.
Brokerage linking (US only)
Track unlimited portfolios
Track unlimited holdings
Access the Dividend Calendar
Receive notifications for key events (iOS)
Sync data across devices
Ex-Dividend Calendar access
Export data to CSV
Access iPad and iOS apps
Pricing does not include taxes, and additional local taxes may apply based on your region.
average rating on the App Store
Hear From Our Users

Awesome app, tracks returns with no hassle. Great price for yearly. Thanks guys

- JadenLindner

Great App! Recommend the premium version very cheap compared to other apps and nice simple app with very detailed analytics and very easy on the eyes! Great app that I will use daily to keep up with my earnings 🙏🏿

- JoCro123

Great app! Keeps me informed fast!

- dc0074

Really enjoy using the app. Keeps data and upcoming dividend information close at hand. This app provides a value add service to my investments.

- Das4776

I love this app so much. It’s accurate and fast. The only Dividend Tracker I have paid to use.

- lilnuhu

I love everything about the app... From the assumed payout and amounts paid monthly/annually. Easy UI and you can track multiple portfolios in one place 5✨

- Joziah's father

This has to be the best dividend tracking, investment software by far. I had been looking for a long time for a dividend tracker and came across this. Not only does it track your dividends, keeps you updated on news but can also be used on multiple devices. The author is very quick in answering questions and listening to suggestions on updates. Honestly you won’t find a better platform which tracks U.k and USA stocks. If you do please let me know but I’m very confident YOU WONT!

- Spearbiker

I’m enjoying this great app that features a great way to maintain all your stocks. I purchased as I wanted a one stop shop to track my overall performance and especially my dividends, which it does a superb job at. Love the calendar feature that it will show when dividends will be paid that you have in you portfolio. In addition, it will even give you estimates on dividends in coming months. Always can improve but would not change any information on here. The app gives you a great birds eye view of your portfolio performance. GM 🏆

- Turf17

I really like this app! It is really helpful and does an outstanding job tracking my portfolio!

- reviewUSAtoday1

Please read this everyone. If your here looking for an app to track dividends. Your at the right one. I have tried all of them on the App Store and this one is the best!!! This is the first review I have left on any app in over a decade of being on iPhones. Use this. It’s amazing.

- JonnyB0612

This is the best dividend tracker I’ve found. Highly recommended!

- boldi24

I’ve been using DivTracker for a few years and it’s the best DivTracker app I’ve seen. John is always upgrading the app with new useful features. Top notch support and quite reliable, syncs with my iPhone, keeps me on top of dividend changes etc. Its almost too good a bargain for what it does. Should cost more. (I can’t believe I’m saying that). Terrific job!

- Lebcompute

Have tried all the dividend trackers in the app store it feels like. And this is by far the best. No errors in dividend amounts or dates, no glitching with ETF dividends, and the new dividend change feature is awesome. Keep up the good work guys!

- joejoe338

Thanks for creating this app. I really love using it and have recommended it to others. Your customer support is top notch!

- Kris

I have been using this app for about a week. I really love it. It gives me messages when my dividends are being paid out. It also allows me to know what my income will be currently and what it will be in the future. I checked out many dividend, tracking services, and so far this is the best one that I have come across.

- KCDA58

I had been looking for an app to track multiple portfolios and I could not find one that met my needs. This app not only tracks multiple portfolios but it offers much more information than any other app I came across. The ability to track stock dividends and review projections is amazing. When I loaded my stock funds there were several that were not being tracked by the app. On several days I reached out to have specific funds added to the roster. Each time I received a quick response and the funds were added to the list. Great app and terrific response from. The developer. Bravo.

- HKGr8

Is there a free trial?
Yes, our Ultimate plan offers a 3-day free trial period. During this time, you'll enjoy full access to DivTracker.
What happens after my trial ends?
Once your trial period ends, you'll be automatically switched to the free plan. Your data won't be removed but will be hidden on the dashboard or in the app, allowing only 1 portfolio and 5 holdings to be shown.
Can I cancel my subscription anytime?
Absolutely! You have the flexibility to cancel your subscription at any time, no questions asked.
How do you handle payments?
LemonSqueezy handles payments and subscriptions for us, utilizing Stripe under the hood.
Why isn't there a one time payment option?
Our expenses, including data providers and server costs, are recurring. Therefore, we're unable to offer a one-time payment option at this time.
Do you offer refund?
If you are unhappy with the product received, you may be eligible for a refund if requested within 30 days of your purchase. Please check our refund policy for more details.

2025 DivTracker App

The information provided on this website is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Prior to making any investment decisions, it is important to assess factors such as risk, timeframe, investment objectives, diversification, and the financial health of a company.
Please note that the content on our site does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any security. It is advisable for all investors to seek guidance from a qualified professional before engaging in any securities trading.